
New Mexico Department of Transportation

Project Details

The Situation: The New Mexico Department of Transportation needed to compile an updated strategic planning document for the upcoming fiscal year. The document would contain elements from individuals across at least 4 divisions..

The Problem: The Department had received feedback that the prior year’s version did not have a smooth, consistent voice. Also, there were formatting and layout issues that needed to be fixed.

Our Solution: We worked onsite and remotely with the Department to review previous printed versions of the strategic planning document, the content to be included in the new version, and the electronic layout to be used. We completed all of the following:

  • Organized materials into a logical order and generated an initial table of contents
  • Created a style sheet outlining font types, font sizes, and colors to be used throughout
  • Edited content as needed to ensure a consistent voice was used throughout the document
  • Resized and aligned images, tables, and figures to create a more pleasing page layout
  • Laid out the 50-page document within Adobe PageMaker while adhering to the style sheet

The Result: The Department was pleased with the consistent voice we used and formatting improvements we made. The Department met their deadline and received positive feedback.


Process Improvement
Writing and Editing


New Mexico Department of Transportation